Bombs away! System is ordered!

I intended to wait until the attic renovations had finished but that was never really going to happen was it? I had a cold and felt sorry for myself and talked myself into pulling the trigger on my first modular system as comfort. The final system looks like this:

The final configuration. Or the initial configuration, depending on your view...
The final configuration. Or the initial configuration, depending on your view…

After checking prices at, and I found out that the prices were pretty much the same at all places but Schneidersladen had everything in stock. They seem to have a pretty good reputation so I put in the order with them. Apart from the modules and the enclosure I also ordered some blanking-panels to protect the innards of the synth from unwanted creatures. And I needed a set of patch-cables as well of course.

You don't want to get critters in your instrument.
You don’t want to get critters in your instrument.

I’m unsure if Schneidersladen prefer to ship the modules mounted in the enclosure (which seems like the safest way) or not, so I provided them with the layout above just in case. Now it’s just a matter of clicking “reload” on the FedEx tracking page every 5 minutes for the next couple of days.

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